About Us
PT. Helori (DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)
Bapak/Ibu dapat mengirimkan permintaan brosur, gambar teknis dan daftar harga ke email ke kami: [email protected] atau juga dapat menghubungi telpon kantor di (021) 86605447 atau direct marketing HP & WA 08112873218
Menjadi pembuat tiang lampu pju oktagonal, tiang high mast, tower monopole, guardrail pagar pengaman jalan dan komponen baja perlengkapan infrastruktur lainnya yang terbaik dalam hal Quality, Cost dan Delivery.
Kami pabrik penjual tiang pju oktagonal, pagar pengaman jalan guardrail dan gorong-gorong pipa baja corrugated dengan harga paling bersaing.
Puri Sentra Niaga Blok A No. 16, Jl. Raya Kalimalang, Pangkalan Jati (sebelah rumah sakit Harum), Kel. Cipinang Melayu, Kec. Makasar Jakarta Timur 13620
DKI Jakarta , Indonesia
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Kirim pertanyaan
Pabrik Tiang Lampu PJU Oktagonal Segi 8 Delapan, Tiang PJU Heksagonal Segi 6 Enam & Bulat, Tiang Lampu High Mast Automatic Lowering (Tiang High Mast Motorized System), Tiang Lampu Sorot, Tiang PJU tipe Panel Surya (PJU Solarcell), Tiang Menara Lampu Stadion, Tower Monopole (Tiang Poligonal), Tiang Lampu Taman Antik, Tiang Lampu Minimalis & Tiang Listrik Besi. Kami juga mempabrikasi Tiang Octagonal, Tiang Hexagonal dan Tiang Polygonal untuk multi purpose seperti Tiang CCTV, Tiang Penangkal Petir, Tiang Antena, Tiang Pipa APILL Persinyalan, Tiang Rambu, Tiang Bendera, Tower Monopole untuk BTS dan Guardrail (Pagar Pengaman Jalan). Mencari Produsen Tiang Lampu Jalan, Tiang PJU Oktagonal, Tiang Lampu Sorot & Tiang High Mast Automatic Lowering? Deltapole
™ adalah produsen & pemasok terbaik Tiang Lampu PJU Oktagonal & Tiang High Mast Automatic Lowering.
PT. Helori Grahasarana (Deltapole) specialises in manufacturing the highest quality of Road and Highway Steel Construction products, such as Street Lighting Poles (Tiang Lampu Jalan), Floodlighting Poles (Tiang Lampu Sorot), Power Transmission Poles (Tiang Listrik), Octagonal Street Lighting Poles (Tiang Lampu Jalan PJU Oktagonal), Special Application Poles including Communication Poles ( Tiang Telepon), Banner Poles (Tiang Reklame), CCTV Poles (Tiang CCTV), Lightning Arrester Poles (Tiang Penangkal Petir), Traffic Signal Poles (Tiang Sinyal Lalu-Lintas) and Flag Poles (Tiang Bendera), High Mast Lighting Automatic Lowering Systems (Tiang High Mast Automatik) for ease of maintenance, Road Guard Rail (Pagar Pengaman Jalan), Road & Bridge Pipe Postrailing (Pipa Pagar Pembatas Jalan & Jembatan), and Monopole Towers that are used by operator of tower for wireless communications companies in Indonesia, and state power company used as transmission line tower.
Our ISO 9001: 2008 certification affirms our successful pursuit of high Quality Management System (QMS) requirements focused on an organization’ s ability to meet and improve upon customer satisfaction and quality requirements. Our Products are manufactured in integrated production line facilities, so that they are steady uniform in Quality. We also invest heavily in the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment.
We deliver both standard and tailor-made poles, masts and monopole towers (A monopole is a tubular structure that is typically used in places where there are space constraints or a need to address aesthetic concerns). Tailor-made towers are the most cost effective when a high number of towers are needed or the loading of the structure is severe. Standard towers are optimum choice when only a few towers are needed.
Based on almost 18 years of experience, we optimise structures according to national codes, our own high standards and a network of reliable steel manufacturers in the country – all fulfilling our strict quality requirements. The towers are manufactured in compliance to standard BS EN 40 by highly skilled craftsmen and certified welders. All steel parts are hot dip galvanized to provide optimum corrosion protection.