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Produsen Pedagang Grosir Tiang Oktagonal Galvanis – Tiang Baja Segi 8 Delapan, Tiang Heksagonal Galvanis – Tiang Baja Segi 6 Enam, Tiang High Mast – Tiang Tinggi, dan Monopole Poligonal – Tiang Tunggal Persegi yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Helori Grahasarana.
The PoleSpherical Cone shape PJU profile round poles with a diameter of body size from the bottom to the top of the mast (tapered round or cone). Light pole road cone made of rounded PJU material steel sheet plate (not a pipe) which is processed into a rounded cone formation wearing dies molds on a machine cnc pressbrake. Sentra Niaga Puri block A No. 16 Jalan Raya Jakarta, Teak Base (next to Hospital fragrance), Kel. Cipinang Melayu, Kec. Makasar, Jakarta Timur Blessing Ansori Umi Sumiati Invoices and receipts: Winda Pertiwi Suwarsih Financial, accounting and tax: Sutrisno Sri Lestari Clarification and complaints: Slamet Official Website: Blog: Workshop: the village of Bojong Nangka (direction Golf Riverside), Kec. Gunung Putri, Kab. Bogor